Eretz Israel Collection

Zechariah 8 vs 5: ‘And the squares of the city (Jerusalem) shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares.’

Much of the Jewish Quarter is made up of a labyrinth of alleyways with some squares allowing for recreational activities. I photographed these children enjoying their ball games in one of the squares with their kippahs, flailing tzitzits and payots highlighting their strong culture which is wonderful. Street photography can be challenging as composition and subject matter require collaboration. The three elements which make up the composition in this image don’t interfere with each other and the diagonal line through the stone paving leads the eye to the ball. The boy in the black and white striped shirt, seemingly suspended in action and the two entering the frame at right are what I feel creates visual flow. This is a significant photograph in that it resonates with Zechariah 8:5.


Zechariah 8 vs 5: ‘And the squares of the city (Jerusalem) shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares.’


Zechariah 8 vs 5And the squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares.